

As Christian parents, we feel that it is our duty to base our education on Biblical principles (Deuteronomy 6:5-7). All scriptural instructions regarding children are given to parents; we are challenged to meet this responsibility. Cornerstone Christian School wishes to support Christian parents in building a strong, spiritual foundation based on scriptural principles that will enable the child to meet the challenges and conflicts he/she will encounter in life.

Cornerstone Christian School is a private school specializing in independent study for home educating families. Thus, the school offers a framework within which the Christian family can successfully educate its children at home. We are here to encourage, uplift and edify you. We desire to be an agent in the strengthening of your abilities, while preserving your independence as a parent/teacher.

Cornerstone Christian School is established as a private school with the purpose of providing accountability to homeschool families. CCS’s primary responsibility will be to provide the service of maintaining records and cums as a private school is required to do.

What is a Private School Satellite Program?

Children enrolled in a private school are exempt from attendance in a public school. Under this provision [E.C. §§48222 and 33190], the following requirements apply to all private schools:

  1. The instructors must be capable of teaching.

  2. The instruction must be in English.

  3. The instruction must be in the several branches of study required in public schools.

  4. Certain pupil and school records must be on file.

  5. Certain Health Department forms must be on file.

Cornerstone Christian School files a Private School Affidavit with the state of California each year and maintains the required student files. Therefore, Cornerstone Christian School, established specifically to meet the needs of home education families, follows the guidelines outlined by the state. While we are not legally required to follow these guidelines, the requirements are for the most part educationally acceptable. As a private school satellite program, Cornerstone Christian School guides and monitors each family’s educational program with a Learning Contract signed by the parent and the student. Each family is in control of the education of its children by choosing its own methods and materials.